Oh my gosh, I completely forgot about the La Mirage Hotel from the original Dynasty. In the original series, it was owned by Blake Carrington so it’s a nice switch to the plot that the hotel Sam now owns has been christened La Mirage. But the poor guy is still not thrilled to be honoring a homophobe designer with a big plaque on the wall. Nor is he thrilled with Anders’ choice of entertainment for the grand opening — a cellist — or the boring lobster rolls on the menu. He wants pizzazz and sparkle and it just so happens singer Ashanti is in Atlanta. Why not barge into her yoga class and try to get her to sing at the opening?
That wasn’t going well but Sam had an ace up his sleeve — a soccer player in hiding in the hotel. Knowing Ashanti is a big soccer fan, he dangled a meeting with said player before her and she agreed to come. And at the party she even agreed to sing … only if she had a free room at the place. A lifetime free room. Agreed. There was just one problem: the new bartender … erm, mixologist. Turns out she’s the mysterious Vanessa Dominique was on the phone with at the end of the previous episode. And mama’s not happy she’s there. Well she is happy but she’s not but she is, hug it out. Dominique is trying to ingratiate herself with Jeff to get in on his music business and, surprise, Vanessa is a singer … who drugs Ashanti so she can heroically step in and save the party with a song. Jeff is appalled and impressed by the ‘coincidence’ but he’ll be even more appalled when he finds out Vanessa is his sister. Hopefully he won’t try to have sex with her like he did with his cousin Fallon. Unfortunately for the soccer player, Sam or someone ignored his requests not to put his picture on social media and the thugs he was hiding from showed up and busted one of his legs. And unfortunately for Vanessa, she was a witness.
Speaking of Fallon, girlfriend is back. She’s done with Liam and ready to get back to business (Sam unhelpfully asks her which of her myriad businesses she’s actually going back to). But she has her sights set on getting Fempirial back from Kirby, who refuses Fallon’s $2 million offer even though she only paid Fallon a dollar in what was supposed to be a temporary situation. Luckily, Fallon knows a lawyer — Trixie’s cute brother, the one who destroyed her community service garden and almost sent her back to jail. Yeah, him. But, Fallon is putting all of the past behind her and they’ve found a loophole: Fallon owns the lease on the building that Fempirial occupies. Hasta la vista, Kirby.

To really get some retribution — okay, Fallon hasn’t completely forgotten the past — she invites the women Kirby was considering as the new CEO of Fempiral to the opening of La Mirage. And she makes sure Kirby gets plastered, and stuffs her purse with miniatures, to embarrass Kirby and sink any prospects she may have had for the company. The drawback there was that lawyer Evan, who thought he really had more than a professional relationship blooming, overheard Kirby and understood that what she said was true — everything Fallon was doing, from the lease to the corporate sabotage — was because she isn’t over Liam. Fallon thinks by getting Fempirial back, with Liam as a client, that it will get them back together too. But Liam’s words to Fallon after he read his book rang true … she is self-centered and selfish. And now she’s lost Evan as well.
Now, I think all the Dynasty fans were thrilled to learn Liam survived the Season 2 cliffhanger and was now a Season 3 regular, hoping that he and Fallon would be blissfully happy. Of course that couldn’t happen and it’s been frustrating to have them apart and at odds. Liam is obviously planning some me time out of the country and needs his passport back from Fallon, to whom he gave it for safe keeping. After the whole La Mirage debacle, she gave Liam a box of his stuff and one of the things inside was a mask from a party at the Carrington manor. Just touching the mask brought back a flood of memories and now it seems that Liam has finally remembered his feelings for Fallon … after the both agreed that this was goodbye. And, unbeknownst to him, she’s also made amends with Evan and is about to go for a roll in the hay with him. Girl moves fast and someone is going to get hurt … again.

And I can’t believe I’m about to say this but I almost felt some sympathy for Adam this week. He more than deserved his injury last week from the explosion, and we all know his blindness is temporary, but Sam Underwood really managed to make Adam vulnerable as he fought back against Blake and Cristal’s attempts to help him with an in home therapist. Even when he’s making Naudia’s life hell, you still kind of felt bad for the guy as he stumbled down the hallway. (Yeah, okay, I did hope he would fall down the stairs and break his neck, so sue me.)
But who is Naudia and why is she so damn nosey? She overheard Cristal and Blake talking about putting Adam in a facility for his rehab and to her it seemed more like Cristal was trying to push Adam out of the house and out of their lives rather than do something in his own best interest. After Cristal pulled some shenanigans with the judge who was assigned to Blake’s case — one that would not be very sympathetic to Blake — causing his to recuse himself, Blake appreciated everything she was doing for him. But he also could see that she was trying to edge Adam out of the picture and he put his foot down. His wife and his son were going to live under the same roof and learn to get along. She agreed … for now. But what does Naudia have up her sleeve and how much control is she going to exert over Adam to get back at his stepmother?
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