A Dynasty in jeopardy


Before I get into my thoughts on the penultimate episode of the season … Kirby’s back from her book tour. And for some reason, Fallon is treating her like dirt. Boo! But, things can change.  

As for the rest of the episode, I was starting to get really angry with the whole ‘Blake’s arrested, Cristal’s leaving him’ storyline, having seriously bad deja vu from last season when the anger and hatred between Blake and OG Cristal got to the point of being unbearable to watch. Are they suddenly going to go that way now with the final two episodes of the season, setting up a Cristal 3.0 for Season 3? It certainly seems that way … but are looks deceiving?

Blake being Blake, there really wasn’t any way he was going to languish in jail for long, but the Feds are still freezing his assets, putting his ownership of the Atlantix soccer team in jeopardy … exactly the position Jeff and Culhane want him in. And of course Blake know the one person in the family who can actually take care of business until this is all sorted out … not Adam. Fallon. Poor Fallon only wants to get her publishing ‘fempire’ off the ground, not content with the smaller imprint that published Liam’s book, now looking for something a little more global and that requires signing a major female author.

But family comes first and Fallon agrees to go to the arbitration to secure herself as Blake’s surrogate to keep Jeff and Michael from getting what they want. The only problem is Blake also wants Fallon to take Adam under her wing and show him the ropes. Ummm … didn’t Blake ‘fire’ Adam last week? And even though he’s not really fired, should he show his hand like that considering the ‘firing’ was for slapping Fallon across the face?

Okay, I’m not gonna mince words here — I hate Adam. There is nothing about him that anyone will be able to find redeeming at this point. I mean, after the meeting he purposely spilled coffee on Fallon to make her miss her appointment with the author. Why? There was absolutely no reason for him to do that but for the fact the writers have made him a total dick. And even worse is how the ‘I see everything’ Blake doesn’t see any of this and doesn’t believe Fallon when she tells him how bad Adam truly is. If this season ends with Adam dying, that will be just fine with me.


But back to Fallon who didn’t have to lose out on that meeting if she wasn’t being such an Adam to Kirby. The girl spent a month on the road working a book tour and now Fallon treats her like the copy girl only there to make coffee, run the Xerox machine and empty trash cans. Good on Kirby for walking out on her. Liam, however, saw what happened and offered to step in for a bit so Fallon could focus on getting another meeting with the author. Liam’s the best!

Kirby ran straight to Culhane to rekindle their romance thinking her friendship with Fallon was pretty much done … if there ever really was one to begin with. But Liam was able to corner her and really explain Fallon to her. They both know she’s trying to juggle too much with the publishing company and now dealing with a crazy brother, an ex-fiance and her father’s drama, and Kirby begins to understand the circumstances a little better. So much so that she goes to the publisher that eventually signed the author for a job, offering to tell them all of Fallon’s secrets (it just happened to be the guy Fallon unceremoniously fired when she bought the publishing company).

Twist! Kirby and Liam had teamed up to get all the deets on that publisher, specifically the pay between the male and female employees and authors, learning that there was a huge disparity between them. They brought the info to Fallon, who was genuinely touched that the pair teamed up for her, and it was enough for Fallon to bring to the author who promptly cancelled her contract and signed with Fallon. Finally some success for her, and it only made her appreciate Liam that much more, to the point that they finally ‘did it’ for the first time.


I’m happy to see Fallon finally see some success, but I’m not sure I’m liking this new turn in Sam’s character. Sam has received his divorce settlement from Steven and it turned out to be a lot more than he expected so he’s going off the deep end spending it all as quickly as he can. First he adopts puppies for the manor staff, then he buys Anders a boat so he can have a little Anders time. Not that Anders wants to do anything but tend to the manor. Sam’s recklessly buying drinks for everyone at a local hotel bar and then he sees one of the male staff apparently being sexually harassed by another man … who turns out to be the hotel manager. Sam rides to the rescue and helps the employees by … buying the hotel and firing the manager. That is not very responsible behavior and Anders has had quite enough, showing up at the hotel to remind Sam he has no experience in the hospitality industry and he should he saving his money. Sam doesn’t want to hear it and actually insults his best friend, his father figure, and tells him to leave. Anders does but walking down the sidewalk it appears he may have suffered a heart attack. His fate is TBD.

So while the Sam storyline was making me mad, the whole Cristal thing was making me even more angry. Fighting with Blake about dragging her father into this mess, storming out, running to Culhane who advises her to speak with the FBI and get as far away from Blake as possible. When Blake is to appear in court, she even refuses to get out of the car and Blake accidentally slams the door on her leg … which of course was captured by all the media present and billed on the news as ‘the slam heard round the world’. And the Cristal does go to the FBI to tell all she knows about Blake Carrington.

Blake later finds her at a hotel (or apartment?) and appears very angry at the betrayal but … it was all part of the plan! Cristal gave the Feds a ton of false information and the bought it, pretty much getting Blake off the hook. Whew! I could not take another season of ‘The Bickersons’ if these two were going to be at each others’ throats. Now they’ve set up Culhane, or Mike Jones, to take the fall for everything because of his association with Ada. Good. He’s another character who can take the next train out of Atlanta with Adam.


And I’m now worried for Liam’s safety after a vaguely threatening encounter with Adam in Fallon’s bedroom. Why was Adam in Fallon’s bedroom? Because he dressed up in one of her outfits, donned a wig and makeup and let himself into the Atlantix headquarters. To do what is unknown at this point, but now the coffee incident makes sense. That’s how he stole her ID badge. Perhaps he was there in reference to Jeff confronting him about the odd illness of the man who painted his office, the same thing Jeff was suffering from. He basically accused Adam of poisoning the paint, and we all know how Adam reacts to anyone accusing him of doing something shady.

And let’s not forget Dominique, or Millie as Blake called her. Apparently he’s been paying her large sums of money. To stay away? He’s holding something over her head that she probably doesn’t want her kids to know about. But the payments stopped two months ago which is really why she’s in town. But it really doesn’t seem like Blake is interested in paying her off anymore, but he’s kind of got her over a barrel with this secret. In the end it will come down to what’s worse in the eyes of Jeff and Monica: Blake paying their mother to stay out of town, or whatever info he’s got on her. One thing is for sure, it will probably all blow up in the season finale.

What did you think of the episode? Tell us in the comments section below!

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