Dynasty :: Enter Dominique Devereaux


I’ll just kick off this week’s episode recap with the question — Where’s Kirby??? Okay, I finally figured it out. She’s on a book tour with Glo. I had forgotten that little detail from Episode 17 after Fallon discovered the photo of Kirby kissing Culhane. But it’s still weird that no one has so much as said her name, or that she’s even checked in with Fallon since she left … and I assume she left and didn’t just fall down a well since the last time we saw her she was just leaving Fallon’s office. Well, she’s still in the opening credits so I guess they haven’t shuffled her off like they did James Mackay.

So anyway, this week’s episode had a little bit of everything — humor, drama and the sheer annoyance of Adam (who again just popped out of nowhere to interject himself into a conversation between Fallon and Blake). The humor came from Fallon’s attempts to take down Adam, doing all she could to finally make Blake realize his son is a monster. She tried to show Blake that it was Adam who sold the photo of her and Liam to the tabloids which caused her and her company some harm. Adam claimed he sent many photos of the party out as publicity and never intended any harm, and Blake just gave him a fatherly scolding to never send out anything like that without authorization. So the beginning of the slaps on the wrist … which was the annoying part of the episode. Like Fallon said, Blake has known her all her life and he’s known Adam for an hour, but now all Blake sees is a daughter jealous of the time her father is spending with his son.

Even Liam thinks Fallon needs to let it go … until she tells him Adam slept with his mother. That got Liam fully on board with her scheme to expose Adam. The capper came as they hatched a plan to make him appear drugged up at the Atlantix soccer team launch event. The crazy scheme involved Fallon pretending to be Alexis (whom Adam does not know jetted to Europe to get her face fixed … or does he?), suffering great pain from the operation that she’s blaming him for and demanding pain meds prescribed by him. Then grinding up the pills and attempting to dose him at the party (which took several attempts and several hundreds of dollars in tips to the servers) so she could show Blake what a mess he is. (This came after a failed attempt to get documents from Adam’s office, but Liam was caught because they didn’t know Adam had security cameras installed.) Turns out he knew it was Fallon all the time and the pills he prescribed were salt pills, so Adam turned the tables on Fallon once again.

So she had to step it up by mentioning how much Alexis feared him — the knew from the office encounter one mention of Alexis would send him into a rage — which led to some pushing and shoving but Adam crossed a line when he slapped Fallon across the face. Blake finally stepped in and chastised him, telling Adam that he was fired. As Fallon and Liam gloated watching the conversation between father and son, they didn’t realize Blake was just putting on a show and telling Adam he still worked for Blake, just clandestinely.

There was more drama surrounding Blake though. Culhane was offered a deal by the FBI to wear a wire and give them something really juicy to pin on Blake or they were coming after him. Culhane said no because Blake would kill him if he found out. So he went to Cristal to warn her to get out of town because the Feds were coming after Blake. She said there was no way she’d leave his side, and then she alerted Blake to what Culhane was up to. Blake felt secure that he’d be fine, especially with the senator in his pocket. But the Feds busted up the launch party when they arrested Blake because … Culhane got the senator to wear the wire. Blake’s little convo with her at the party was all they needed to hear.


Back at the Colby homestead, Jeff was released from the hospital (telling his father and sister that he’s dying … but he’s not) and he and Monica were surprised to find their mother Dominique Devereaux waiting at Monica’s house. Monica is less than thrilled but Jeff wants to give her a chance. Dom even seems to want to make amends by not revealing that she didn’t come the first time because Monica told her not to. So she spins a tale about how well she’s doing as a singer with a residency at some New York club and all seems to be well. Jeff tries to set up a dinner with all of them but Monica says she won’t be there.

Dom pays a visit to Club Colby to talk to her daughter but they get a message that Jeff’s health has taken a turn for the worse. They put their differences aside to rush home and find that he’s fine … and dinner is served. Dom again tells about her residency but mentions a different club which sets off alarms for Jeff. Later she tells him and Monica that she was glad that she left and let their grandmother raise them because they’re better people than they would have been with her. She also says she never came home because she was ashamed that she was really a failure and didn’t have the money. Jeff gives her a check for a million dollars and Monica tells him he just ensured that Dominique would skip out on them again. He told her it’s a test.

And Dom does try to sneak out in the middle of the night but Jeff and Monica catch her. Monica said that proves she was just there for the money but Dom tells her to look in the trash. The check is there. She just didn’t want to cause them any more trouble. The family reunion is now officially underway, with even Monica willing to give her a trial run and Jeff calling her by her real name (Dominique Carrington … she’s Blake’s half-sister), and then Dom gets a call. Taking the call in her room, she’s telling someone on the other end that the plan with the check worked like a charm and to tell the kids that Mommy would be home soon. Uh oh.

What did you think of the episode? Tell us in the comments section below!

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