After the goofiness of the last episode, everyone is back in Atlanta and dealing with the reality of their lives, and at the moment it ain’t pretty for many of them.
Poor little rich girl Fallon, who is used to getting pretty much anything she wants, has now faced the end of two relationships in pretty quick order … not to mention the absence of her beloved brother. But Liam telling her that after the stunt she pulled with his new girlfriend he could never love her, that was the last straw causing her to retreat to the solitude of her bedroom, watching old movies like Sunset Boulevard and enjoying handcrafted cocktails. But no one seems to get the message she wants to be left alone as a stead parade of people interrupt her pity party — Monica, Sam, Cristal and Anders — which also consists of a band hired to give her a private concert, playing the same song over and over again, but sadder each time.
Fallon is a mess and the arrival of a reporter who was originally there to cover her wedding to Culhane only compounds matters Attempting to brush him off, Fallon finally gathers herself together to put on a show, hoping to convince him that all is well. But a tour of the manor instead of demonstrating her strength in the face of adversity is leading the reporter to suspect he may have a much bigger exposé on his hands (and overhearing a shouting match between Fallon and Culhane about her 911 call to him to have dinner with her and the reporter didn’t help). Luckily, Monica is having a big ‘Game Night’ event at the club and she allows Fallon to pretty much take it over to convince the reporter she has a big new business deal about to launch, and he’s going to get the scoop. More on that in a minute.

Cristal is still concerned about the paternity of her baby and since Fallon is the only person who knows about that uncertainty, she’s the only one who can help Cristal with her plan — a DNA test. Fallon agrees to give her a mouth swab as long as she goes away. But instead of putting the envelope in the mail herself — I guess because it’s too hard to find the mailbox? — Cristal gives it to a housekeeper. Seriously? Said housekeeper is also fooling around with some bozo who also works for the Carringtons (I think Alexis called him a gardener), and he’s pretty much being blackmailed by Alexis for the affair. So he overhears the conversation about the mail and offers to take it off his girlfriend’s hands … and delivers it to Alexis.
Now that she knows the baby’s paternity is in question, she orders her stooge to replace Fallon’s DNA with a different. non-Carrington sample so the idiot uses the dogs saliva! THE DOG! Needless to say, Alexis was not thrilled with his ingenuity and when the DNA place called to request a new sample, Alexis had to be on the ball, waiting by the phone as one telemarketing call after another came through (can someone put the Carringtons on the Do Not Call list?). When the call finally came, she pretended to be Cristal and then handed the phone off to Blake, hoping to reveal Cristal’s secret and break up the relationship. Of course Blake is upset, but Cristal is adamant that there is no relationship between she and her ex Mark, and he finally gets over his anger. But now that Alexis has a name, she places a call to Mark Jennings.

Sammy Jo
Poor Sam really doesn’t know what to do with himself. He’s just found out Steven is not coming back as planned, having gone on another ‘walkabout’, making Sam doubt himself. Is he not what Steven wants? After a chat with Fallon, Sam decides he’s much too materialistic and perhaps that’s why Steven is staying away (although he lasted barely a day in Paraguay after attempting to be the better man and move there with Steven). With Kirby’s help, Sam decides it’s time to declutter his life, or as he put it ‘de-materialize’ himself. Pulling clothes out of the closet and sorting them into a keep and give pile, he’s pretty proud of the large pile accumulated until Kirby points out that’s the ‘keep’ pile while the ‘give’ pile has two items in it.
Seeing this method is not working (and apparently unaware of the new Netflix series about decluttering your life), Sam does some research on Instagram (promotional consideration provided by?) and finds a lifestyle guru, or ‘mindfulness specialist’ as she prefers to be called, Lady Monk, who asks him to find one thing that brings him joy. He gets a shirt that has a sentimental connection to Steven and … she tosses it in the fireplace! Lady Monk tells him the shirt is not Steven and Sam’s journey to ‘dematerializing’ in underway. Kirby is concerned Sam may be being conned.
After ridding himself of everything, Lady Monk gives Sam what amounts to a burlap sack to wear and the two are off to Fallon’s hijacked event at Monica’s club to find wealthy donors for Lady Monk’s organization. Sam is unable to rope anyone in (perhaps it’s the outfit), but Lady Monk overhears Fallon attempting to get someone else to play along with her for the reporter — that goes nowhere — so she interjects herself into the conversation, actually saving Fallon from humiliation by talking up a book and a multi-platform release to highlight Lady Monk’s brand, and the whole ruse seriously impressed the reporter. Or not.
After he stepped away, Kirby showed up to reveal to Sam what a scam artist Lady Monk is, just as he decided that he’d donate millions from Steven’s charity to her. Apparently everything Sam ‘dematerialized’ is now boxed up and waiting to be sold at a consignment store. Lady Monk claims the money goes to charities like UNICEF but Kirby is insistent that all the money goes right back to her as she takes advantage of people at their most vulnerable … hence Sam and Fallon. Things escalate quickly as Sam decides he’s fabulous and security is called to drag Lady Monk away, and the sneaky reporter recorded the entire exchange, promising Fallon his story will be a doozy.
Here’s the thing though … Kirby really had no proof as to where the money from the sale of Sam’s items was going. Lady Monk really could have been sending the profits to various charities. The only clue we have that it may not be the case is when she yelled at Fallon that it takes a fraud to know one and Fallon Carrington is the biggest fraud of all. So perhaps she was a grifter … or Kirby got it all wrong and really messed things up for Fallon (and is Sam going to get his stuff back?).
Oh, and Culhane has decided that he’s now Blake’s partner. And the only way Blake thinks that will work is to bring in someone to assist him … Fallon. And what’s up with Steven? Come on, people, don’t leave us hanging wondering where in the world is Steven Carrington!
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