Dynasty :: Girls trip


After the previous terrific, coherent episode of Dynasty, someone brought some special ‘shrooms to the writers room for this week’s episode, ‘The Sight of You’. Now let me clarify, this episode was nowhere near as bad and muddled as the previous time I suggested the writers were on something — or perhaps they were off their meds — no, this episode was a complete hoot with one really bizarre obsession they’ve suddenly given to Fallon.

Before we get to all that, outside of the main story — and with absolutely no mention of or sight of Steven this week after last week’s bombshell — Blake wants Culhane, who has moved away from the manor and in with his mother and sister now that the wedding is toast, to help him snag a soccer player for his new team. Said player is a native of Atlanta, and attened the same school as Culhane, so he figured Culhane could help sign the guy … and earn a living again with a new position with the team. Yes, Culhane helped sign the guy but his fee (and the only way the guy will sign with Blake) is Culhane’s half ownership of the team. Either that or there’s another team in town anxious for both his and the soccer player’s services. Does Blake have any choice?


Meanwhile Sam is still dealing with the aftermath of almost cheating on Steven — and constant texts from the other man — so he pays a visit to Alexis, who is dealing with her own depression, attributing her mood to SAD, the condition many people experience in the winter during the shorter daylight hours. She convinces Sam to meditate with her among the artificial sunlight and plants in her apartment but he just feels like he’s in a terrarium. And the last thing he wants is to be left alone with his thoughts in a sensory deprivation tank, so he bails on her.

Fallon has decided to go on a girls trip to a ski resort, and girls trip basically means her and Monica (I’m glad these two are friends again if only because it gives us a chance to experience more of Monica’s bizarre wardrobe — that sequined turban was hardly a daytime look, gurl). Alexis tried to weasel her way onto the trip but Fallon said it was a girls trip, not a mother’s trip. And then New Cristal somehow manages to convince Fallon to let her come along. Fallon relented on one condition — she can touch Cristal’s hair. WHAT?! This little fetish comes up several times during the episode! I don’t recall Fallon being this obsessed with Cristal’s hair before. It was very weird, even though it made me laugh every time she asked Cristal if she could touch her hair.

Of course Cristal isn’t the only interloper on this trip. Kirby overheard the plans and stowed away on the jet … in a bikini, unaware they’re going to a ski resort. But it’s too late to throw her out of the plane and Fallon’s not going back to Atlanta so Kirby is stuck but Cristal offers to buy her some new, appropriate clothes.


Once they get to the resort it becomes clear why Fallon planned this trip: she learned that this is where Liam and his new girlfriend were going on vacation. Monica is not particularly happy that she was duped into this trip — especially since she just wanted to get away from Jeff and the arrival of their mother — and now she has to endure all of Fallon’s convoluted plans to try and lure Liam away from his girlfriend because she knows they really, really belong together.

With a crazy ski slope scheme that has everyone’s jaws on the floor, Kirby takes the logical route of pretending to be the girlfriend and calling the front desk for their itinerary. The only problem is that Liam’s girlfriend saw Kirby when Fallon ‘accidentally’ bumped into Liam so she knows she’s with Fallon. And then Sam walks in, somehow finding out where they were and getting on the private jet that Blake had already taken to Belgium. But the girlfriend won’t know who he is so they press him into impersonating a resort employee who will be in charge of her in room spa day.

With her eyes covered — and proving herself to be a total bitch, perhaps even using Liam for his money — Kirby arrives to do the woman’s eyebrows. This ends up not being a makeover but a severe make-under with the eyebrows sgnificantly darker than her blonde hair and half of one completely missing. While all that was going on, Fallon cornered Liam in the lounge and tried to convince him that he belonged with her. He wasn’t buying it, and Fallon finally realized she’s been defeated.

Unable to leave because Blake still has the jet, they go to a dive bar on the side of the mountain, someplace Fallon knows Liam won’t be. With their coats and purses thrown on a table, a waitress asks if she can check everything for them and they say sure. And then it turns out the items were not checked, but stolen and no one has any money to pay the bar tab. Luckily it’s karaoke night and Kirby, determined to be a friend to Fallon, attempts to win the $500 prize by singing ‘These Boots Are Made For Walking’. Unfortunately, she can’t really sing so Fallon joins in and the rest of the girls, and Sam, take to the stage as well.


Liam’s girlfriend manages to track them to the bar and with her posse a fight breaks out. Even pregnant Cristal gets in a few licks (after spending a day just riding the ski lift up and down the mountain). With the bar cleared, Liam shows up with the stolen items (the girlfriend paid someone to take everything) and lets Fallon have it for what they did to the girlfriend and just for screwing things up so badly between them. He’s happy now and he just wants to move on (say it isn’t so … there must be some inkling in him that they belong together … right?). Not what Fallon was hoping for but she seems to have finally come to accept that this is the end for them.

Before heading home, Monica placed a call to her mother and warned her not to get on the plane to Atlanta or she’d unload twelve years worth of anger down on her. Back at home, Jeff told her that their mom never got on the plane, never called, nothing, just ghosted him. Monica got what she wanted, but can we assume dear old mom might show up in the future. Because when Monica called her, we got a major name drop from the classic series: Dominique. Is their mother Dominique Deveraux?

That wasn’t the other name drop this week. We know who the M Jennings on Cristal’s phone is — Mark Jennings. I had forgotten about him until she said his name. In the original series, Alexis brought him to Denver to be the tennis pro at Fallon’s hotel (so will the current Fallon buy a hotel now?). And in the original series, Mark and Krystle were not legally divorced when she married Blake. Now, New Cristal had slept with Mark after she had originally departed Atlanta before finding out she was out of a job. She’s worried the baby may be Mark’s, and even though she tried to come clean with Blake, he sidetracked her with his complete joy at being a father so with Mark knowing she’s pregnant, it’s only a matter of time before he shows up in Atlanta … perhaps after Alexis does some digging and ‘invites’ him there to stir the pot?

What did you think of the episode? Tell us in the comments section below!

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